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 The Iterative Design Process

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You will learn the steps to design thinking which is a fancy name for how to create a new invention.

What is the K-12 InVenture Prize?

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The K-12 InVenture Prize was piloted in 2012 and is an extension of the Institute’s annual InVenture Prize.  The program challenges K-12 students to identify real-world problems and design novel solutions through careful analysis, creativity, and the scientific method. 


The K-12 InVenture Prize competition is the qualifying event to represent the state of Georgia at the National Invention Convention & Entrepreneurship Expo (NICEE). This past year, 9 top teams were sent to NICEE where our students took home top honors. 



What will we do in our Inventure Unit?

We will use design thinking to identify a problem and develop a unique solution.  We will work together in teams to brainstorm solutions, search for comparable patents, make a prototype, and pitch your idea!  We will use fun hands-on activities, and have the opportunity to get advice from real inventors and Georgia Tech faculty members. All program participants will have an opportunity to submit an entry to the State K-12 InVenture Prize competition in March.  Teams chosen to compete with other Georgia students will do so in April.


We will keep all evidence of our thinking to create a logbook to document our process.  In other words, KEEP EVERYTHING!  Sketches (even if messy), notes, articles printed and all prototypes.

Let's Get Started!






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