Invention Lesson Plans for Grades K-12

Hydraptor Pitch Video

The purpose of Mock Pitch Day is to...preliminary pitch
You are testing your idea...
You Tube sharbale video
Google Drive MP4 teaxcher can upload to You Tube

Using the Prepare your Pitch Planner handed out in class today, discuss the pitch requirements with your team (page 1).
Then use the organizer on page 2 to draft bullet points for your pitch. You should also decide who will speak for each part of your presentation.
Video pitch will be required for submission to the Georgia Tech InVenture State Competition. Georgia Tech will provide specific details and directions to teachers.
Be sure to include how your solution is ORIGINAL when compared to similar products on Google Patents, Amazon and other searches.
Practice Pitching your idea in less than 3 minutes.
Review Inventure pitch's from the Inventure Challenge page.
Don't get "Gonged!" by " reading" your presentation...that is boring! Memorize bullet points and practice saying them.
Check out two pitch videos: Georgia Tech InVenture Prize: Team Sanivation AND Shark Tank's 10 year who invented “Jack’s Stands and Marketplaces”
Discussion Questions:
Was the presenter(s) enthusiastic and passionate about their problem and solution? How so?
Was it obvious he/she practiced the pitch a great deal before the presentation to an audience? How could you tell?
Did the pitch grab your attention? What was the “hook”?
What did you notice about the clothing worn?